Message from the CEO

Industry and production are the main economic development infrastructure of the country when it comes to human capital with a high scientific, professional, creative, and innovative perspective is the basis for growth, development, industrial development, and the creation of a dynamic and productive economy.
Our vision at Intermediate Petrochemical Industries (IPI) is always focusing on customer orientation, endeavoring to achieve the highest quality of all products and special attention to the environmental requirements as a member of the international community.
We believe in the Petrochemical collection to move forward and achieve our future success to greatly appreciate the satisfaction of our customers, employee satisfaction, and the willingness of our colleagues. In this job, members of Intermediate Petrochemical Industries (IPI) are committed to maintaining the integrity and richness of their technical knowledge and the company at the highest standard levels.
I’m proud that the staff of IPI has been formed at different levels, from Ladies and Gentlemen who have an energetic and daring spirit alongside the precision of a petrochemical company. This has been achieved by considering the complexities of human interaction and the establishment of a specific organizational culture from the company’s managers and employees.
In conclusion, I believe that with the cooperation of our team and our business partners, the company will conquer the higher peaks.